Well it might not be THE end but it is sadly the final part of Exploring the Hocus Pocus Script. In Part 4, we ended with the Sanderson Sisters flying off with Dani and once again we will be picking up exactly where we left off.
The last part of the script has a few changes here and there with a very slightly different ending. Overall this has been a joy to share with you all and I hope you have all enjoyed it as much as I have.
So without further ado, let's begin one last time...
Cut back to the town hall and the Skeleton Singer is ready to collapse. The Mom and Dad are sweating, exhausted and also on the verge of collapse. In the script it says "The Heart attacks will soon begin".
In the next scene Mary and Wini are conjuring.
Mary: "You know sister, I could just watch you conjure forever"
Wini: "Let us hope so. Stir!"
Sarah then enters the house announcing that the "Children are here".
Dani: "It's a zombie pajama party"
We cut to the car scene where the Sanderson Sisters are flying around the car trying to get the kids. It's almost identical in the script as it is on film apart from one small part;
In the script after Wini first flys away from the car, Max has a moment of panic wondering where Wini has gone but then they hear "Eerie beach boys guitar" and Wini appears once again at the side of the car and this time she is 'surfing' on her broom.
She laughs and is just about to send a jolt of lightning towards the car, when Max swerves the car into her, causing Wini to go flying into the trees.
Billy: "I'm not chasing you. I hate those bitches too... Let me help you"
Now friends with Billy, the kids prepare for the witches arrival. Everything here is the same right up to when Dani hands Billy his head back. Wini spots Dani and the following scene happens:
Winifred hovering in the sky, spots Dani down below as she ducks back into Billy's grave. She gets an inspiration, and whispers into Mary's ear. Winifred puts her fingers to the vacuum cleaner's plug and fills the machine with electrical current.
Supercharged, the vacuum cleaner roars like a motorcycle and starts sucking in with tremendous power. Mary hovers down towards Dani, who tries to get away, but is caught in the tremendous suction. All around her, leaves and twigs are pulled up to the vac.
Dani: "MAX!"
Max and Allison look up just in time to see Dani, sucked up to Mary's vacuum cleaner and into Winifred's clutches. Winifred shrieks with delight.
I'm actually glad this scene was removed from the film as surely the vacuum with that much power would have just not worked or exploded. It does seem a little silly for them to suck Dani up into the air with the vacuum.
Strange protrusions start pushing out of her back. She looks bewildered and then horrified, as she realises what is happening to her
Winifred: "Oh, no... no..."
There's a pink glow in the East as the sun is coming up. Mary and Sarah see it now.
Mary: "If I am not mistaken, sister, that bright object over there is the -- (beat) -- oh, oh."
Sarah: "What?"
After Thackery has left with Emily, it cuts to all of the zombie-like children outside of the Sanderson Sisters house, the spell Sarah placed on them all is broken and so it cuts to rapid shots of the children waking up and snapping out of the spell. Confused and scared, some start to cry as they call out for the their "Mommy" and begin making their way back home.
Dani: "Binx?... Can you talk?"
The cat meows.
Dani: "That's okay. Meowing is good. (hugs him) I guess he still had one life left"
Finally, Max and Allison are in each other's arms. They pull away from an incredible, exhanting kiss. Max is overwhelmed; the moment is magical.
Allison: "So did I make a believer out of you?"
Max: "Yeah. You did"
Allison: "Me, too"
They then all head on home together. The film ends with Binx meowing into the camera and then running after the kids. The final scene we see the Sanderson Sisters house and the screams of Jay and Ice still in the house.