Well after many, many months of designing, planning and making, I am so pleased to reveal this years brand new collection!
This collection has been a true labour of love and I wanted to put as much vintage Halloween influence into this collection as I possibly could. I absolutely loved last years range and was over the moon to see it sell out so quickly.
There are a small number of returning products from last years range and they are the extremely popular Haunted House Mug, Trick or Treat Pencil Case and the Black Cat Fortune and Witch Game, although these two have had a slight makeover.
The new collection includes products that have never been available through October 31st before as well as a small number of these products being handmade and limited edition.
So let's cut to the case and check out Trick-or-Treat 2021!
Slim Tin Signs
Small Tin Signs
The new game is smaller and has been adjusted slightly to take into account the smaller size.
Square Prints
Trick or Treat Game
Spirit Board
This Spirit Board will be available in two sizes. The larger size will be available to the UK only and the smaller Spirit Board will ship worldwide.
Ghost Patch
You'll be able to grab them in a Pumpkin Spice Ale and Black Cat Brew designs.
Please note these jars will only be available within the UK and will not ship worldwide due to the risk of damge.